A team of the prestigious MIT (Technological institute of Massachusetts) has made public recently one of his most surprising and spectacular projects. The investigators of SENSEable City Laboratory, in collaboration with the ARES Lab, both belonging to the MIT, has designed an ingenious system baptized like Flyfire, which tries to exploit the capacities of a few tiny provided helicopters of LEDs that they would serve to create exhibitions and audio-visual demonstrations highly impactantes.
The tiny helicopters controlled with a technology developed in the ARES Laboratory, would be capable of moving of form synchronized in the air, creating images of even photographic quality in real-time. It turns out to be a little difficult to explain, so the best thing is that you throw a glance to the following video, in which there are appreciated clearly the innumerable possibilities of this fantastic idea. Let's hope that the project should come to good end and soon let's be able to enjoy spectacles and applications created by these tiny and luminous helicopters.
Source: Mini helicopters believe flying display (Discovery News) to you
In the official web of the project Flyfire you will find more videos and information on this matter.
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