In 1966 the movies of half a world were releasing the movie Fantastic Voyage (An amazing trip), a movie of science fiction in which scientists of the USA and the USSR had managed to develop a system to miniaturize the matter to surprising scales. Only there was a snag: the process had expiry date, only sixty minutes. Nevertheless, a scientist of the communist block, Jan Benes, manages to overcome this temporary barrier, and decides to escape to American soil. In the huída it is on the point of perishing murdered, staying in comma as a consequence of a thrombus in his brain. The only solution to save his life and to recover his discovery is to miniaturize a submarine forward position, the Proteus, and to introduce it in the body of the Soviet scientist in order to treat his ailment.
Although it sounds surprisingly, the argument of the movie – turned in novel for Isaac Asimov – it might be close to turning in fact. Logically without miniaturizing human beings, but by means of microscopic robots provided with medicines that, after being introduced in a sick body, would help to treat different ailments. A surprising system that is being developed by the scientists' help of the faculty of Computer science of the Polytechnical University of Madrid. In the science popularization channel Investigating TV they have realized a reportage on this matter, interviewing some of the persons in charge of the project, so we share with you the following video.
Microscopic robots will cover our organism
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