“Between 1923 and 1927 the Spanish army used of massive form gas mustard against civil population during the war of the Rif. Spain turned into one of the potency first in using these extermination methods. And it achieved that his crime was remaining in a suitable negligence. Eighty years later, a young man rifeño, resident in Madrid, initiates a race against the clock to safeguard the memory of the last witnesses of that war. The Spanish Government has never admitted such crimes. And the victims, very aged, threaten to die without having told what happened during those years of asphyxia and death.”
This is the synopsis of Arrhash (Poison), a documentary directed by Javier Rada y Tarik the Idrissi in which there is denounced one of the darkest and shameful episodes led by Spain in the XXth century. The documentary is provided with license Creative Commons, and is available complete in the network. Given his interest, we have decided to share it with you in this space.
ARRHASH (POISON) PART 1 from zagorafilms on Vimeo.
ARRHASH (POISON) PART 2 from zagorafilms on Vimeo.
ARRHASH (POISON) PART 3 from zagorafilms on Vimeo.
ARRHASH (POISON) PART 4 from zagorafilms on Vimeo.
Source: They hang on Internet a documentary on how Spain gassed civil Moroccans (The Avant-garde)
Official web of the documentary: Arrhash (Poison)
More information: Chemical weapon in the war of the Rif (Wikipedia)
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